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Decomposition and decoupling analysis of electricity consumption carbon emissions in China

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3,   Pages 486-498 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0215-3

Abstract: Electricity consumption is one of the major contributors to greenhouse gas emissions.In this study, we build a power consumption carbon emission measurement model based on the operatingintensity, power generation structure, consumption electricity intensity, economic scale, populationconsumption carbon emissions on China’s economic development and population changes.The results of this study provide a new perspective to understand carbon emission reduction potentials

Keywords: electricity consumption carbon emission measurement     LMDI model     decoupling model     data driven    

Energy consumption and carbon emissions of hospitals in Tianjin

Chongxu JIANG, Jincheng XING, Jihong LING, Xiaona QIN

Frontiers in Energy 2012, Volume 6, Issue 4,   Pages 427-435 doi: 10.1007/s11708-012-0199-5

Abstract: was calculated that the energy intensity of general hospitals was 380 kW·h/(m ·a), and the average carbonkgCO /(m ·a); While the energy intensity of specialized hospitals was 309 kW·h/(m ·a), and the average carbonBy breaking the energy consumption down into several items, it was found that the heating system consumedThe main factors that affect the hospital energy consumption were determined, and some feasible technologyand management measures to save energy and reduce carbon emissions were proposed.

Keywords: hospital building     energy consumption     carbon emissions     energy saving     emission reduction    

Relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth of Guangdong Province in China

Lianhong LV, Hong LUO, Baoliu ZHANG

Frontiers in Energy 2012, Volume 6, Issue 4,   Pages 351-355 doi: 10.1007/s11708-012-0209-7

Abstract: Guangdong is a province with the most electricity consumption (EC) and the fastest economic growth inHowever, there has long been a contradiction between electricity supply and demand in Guangdong and this

Keywords: co-integration     granger causality     electricity consumption (EC)     economic growth    

Peak CO

Sheng ZHOU, Maosheng DUAN, Zhiyi YUAN, Xunmin OU

Frontiers in Energy 2020, Volume 14, Issue 4,   Pages 740-758 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0558-y

Abstract: The results show that in the BAU scenario, the final energy consumption will peak at 25.93 million tonsThe total primary energy consumption will increase by 12% (BAU scenario) and decrease by 3% (CMS scenarioIn the BAU scenario, CO emission will peak in 2025 at 70 million tons of carbon dioxide (MtCO ), andActive policies including restructuring the economy, improving energy efficiency, capping coal consumption, and using more low-carbon /carbon free fuel are recommended in Dezhou city peaked CO emission as early

Keywords: carbon dioxide emission     energy consumption     peak CO2 emission     low-carbon transition     Dezhou    

Correlation between carbon emissions and energy structure –Reliability analysis of low carbon target


Frontiers in Energy 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2,   Pages 214-220 doi: 10.1007/s11708-010-0133-7

Abstract: The influence of energy intensity on carbon intensity depends upon the fraction of energy mixes withhigh carbon emissions in the total energy mixes .Taking the long-term carbon reduction target in 2050 settled upon by the Copenhagen Agreement and theThe peak value of energy consumption will lag behind the peak value of carbon emissions; the world energyEstimates show that China’s mid-2020 and long-term targets of energy-saving and emission reduction announced

Keywords: correlation     carbon emissions     energy consumption     high carbon emissions energy mix     target of emission reduction    

Low-carbon technology calls for comprehensive electricity-market redesign

Yang YU

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2019, Volume 6, Issue 1,   Pages 128-130 doi: 10.1007/s42524-019-0020-9


The energy transition also calls for electricity- market redesign.Low-carbon technologies will fundamentally reshape the electricity sector.The electricity generation and demand will be significantly unpredictable and uncontrollable thus requireThe higher difficulty induced by the green-technology penetration expose the electricity-market to aThus, the future low-carbon electricity-market and associated regulation scheme require a comprehensive

Keywords: low-carbon technology     electricity-system operation     market design    

Impacts of Dynamic Province-Level Power-Grid CO2 Emission Factor on Regional Carbon-Peaking

Jia Min, Zhang Li, Zhang Zhe, Song Xiaohui, Jiang Lingling, Cai Bofeng, Zhao Liang,Lu Xinbo, Zhang Zechen, Zheng Haitao, Tang Ling, Wang Jinnan, Shu Yinbiao

Strategic Study of CAE 2024, Volume 26, Issue 4,   Pages 121-133 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2024.04.007

Abstract: for accurately calculating indirect emissions from the electricity consumption side, serving asindirect emissions from the electricity consumption side.consumption and their proportions in net electricity-importing provinces had gradually increased, withprovincial level), the indirect emissions from electricity consumption and total emissions of allFor provinces with large proportions of indirect emissions from electricity consumption, such as

Keywords: power grid CO2 emission factor     carbon peaking     emission pathway     indirect emissions fromelectricity consumption     province-level    

Employing electricity-consumption monitoring systems and integrative time-series analysis models: A case

Seiya MAKI, Shuichi ASHINA, Minoru FUJII, Tsuyoshi FUJITA, Norio YABE, Kenji UCHIDA, Gito GINTING, Rizaldi BOER, Remi CHANDRAN

Frontiers in Energy 2018, Volume 12, Issue 3,   Pages 426-439 doi: 10.1007/s11708-018-0560-4

Abstract: To realize this objective and promote a low-carbon society, and because energy production and use isFurther, because developing countries contribute increasing shares of domestic energy consumption, itAn electricity demand prediction model is developed for each device using the Auto-Regression eXogenousThe real-time SEMS data and time-series clustering to explore similarities in electricity consumptionThe resulting energy-prediction models can be used for low-carbon planning.

Keywords: electricity monitoring     electricity demand prediction     multiple-variable time-series modeling     time-series    

Policy entry points for facilitating a transition towards a low-carbon electricity future

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2022, Volume 9, Issue 3,   Pages 462-472 doi: 10.1007/s42524-022-0214-4

Abstract: This study extends the ambit of the debate on electricity transition by specifically identifying possiblepolicy entry points through which transformative and enduring changes can be made in the electricitytransition, four such entry points have been identified: 1) destabilising the dominant, fossil fuel-based electricityregime to create room for renewable technologies to break through; 2) reconfiguring the electricity

Keywords: electricity transition     multi-level perspective     policy entry points    

Construction of Near-Zero-Carbon Manufacturing System under the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Cheng Runting , Zhang Yongjun , Li Licheng , Ding Maosheng , Lin Jingchun , Zhang Chunfeng , Han Yongxia

Strategic Study of CAE 2024, Volume 26, Issue 1,   Pages 68-79 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2023.07.037


The carbon peaking and carbon neutralization goals as well as the carbonreduction in China to achieve low- and zero-carbon transformation of its manufacturing industrycontent from the major dimensions of key technologies, measurement basis, and market driving forcemeasurement system to clarify carbon emission responsibilities.the carbon markets both in China and abroad.

Keywords: European Union emissions trading system     Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism     zero-carbon transformation     carbon emission measurement     carbon emission trading market    

Spatiotemporal distribution, environmental risk and carbon emission reduction potential of livestock RESEARCH ARTICLE

Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering 2024, Volume 11, Issue 3,   Pages 381-396 doi: 10.15302/J-FASE-2024552

Abstract: the spatiotemporal distribution, availability and biogas potential of LM in Shaanxi, and examine the carbonemission reduction potential of AH.From 2012 to 2021, the average carbon emission reduction potential in Shaanxi was 22%, with an averageprovide valuable data and policy recommendations for promoting the intensive use of LM and reducing carbon

Keywords: Livestock manure     emission estimation     N and P loads     biogas potential     carbon emission reduction    

Modeling Control Research of the High Energy Consumption Enterprises for Saveing Energy

Zhang Shaojun,Ye Anli,Wang Jingxing

Strategic Study of CAE 2004, Volume 6, Issue 2,   Pages 73-76


In the high energy consumption enterprises, systematic model controlling technology is used for savingof electricity consumption of the units is constructed.The object function model of the enterprise´s electricity consumption is constructed.them,the optimum calculation and control are done to realize the minimum of the enterprise´s electricityconsumption.

Keywords: the high energy consumption enterprise     saving energy     model controlling     the object function of the electricityconsumption    

Cutting Down Oil Consumption and Reducing Emission for the Healthy Development of China's Auto Industry

Cao Xianghong

Strategic Study of CAE 2005, Volume 7, Issue 1,   Pages 1-8

Abstract: of China’s auto industry: formulating and implementing as soon as possible the policy on fuel consumptiontax: and developing automobiles with low oil consumption, low pollution and low cylinder capacity :formulating and implementing strict economic standard for automobile fuel oil and strict standard for exhaust emission

Keywords: auto industry     oil consumption     emission    

How to auction carbon emission allowances?

Frontiers of Engineering Management doi: 10.1007/s42524-023-0295-8

Abstract: There is notable variability in carbon emission reduction efforts across different provinces in China, underscoring the need for effective strategies to implement carbon emission allowance auctions.Beijing, and Zhejiang — this study employs a system dynamics simulation model to explore markets for carbonZhejiang. (2) In Ningxia, there’s a potential for a 6.20% increase in GDP alongside a 21.59% reduction in carbonPortfolio Standards, significantly influence the optimal auction strategies but have minimal effect on carbon

Keywords: carbon allowances     carbon allowance auctions     carbon emissions trading     Renewable Portfolio Standard    

Low-carbon collaborative dual-layer optimization for energy station considering joint electricity and

Frontiers in Energy doi: 10.1007/s11708-024-0958-0

Abstract: collaborative relationships between energy stations and users, posing challenges to the economic and low-carbondual-layer optimization strategy for energy station-user, taking into account the demand response for electricityThe upper layer, represented by energy stations, makes decisions on variables such as the electricityThe lower layer, comprising users, determines their own electricity and heat demand through demand response

Keywords: demand response     dual-layer optimization     energy station     integrated energy system    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Decomposition and decoupling analysis of electricity consumption carbon emissions in China

Journal Article

Energy consumption and carbon emissions of hospitals in Tianjin

Chongxu JIANG, Jincheng XING, Jihong LING, Xiaona QIN

Journal Article

Relationship between electricity consumption and economic growth of Guangdong Province in China

Lianhong LV, Hong LUO, Baoliu ZHANG

Journal Article

Peak CO

Sheng ZHOU, Maosheng DUAN, Zhiyi YUAN, Xunmin OU

Journal Article

Correlation between carbon emissions and energy structure –Reliability analysis of low carbon target


Journal Article

Low-carbon technology calls for comprehensive electricity-market redesign

Yang YU

Journal Article

Impacts of Dynamic Province-Level Power-Grid CO2 Emission Factor on Regional Carbon-Peaking

Jia Min, Zhang Li, Zhang Zhe, Song Xiaohui, Jiang Lingling, Cai Bofeng, Zhao Liang,Lu Xinbo, Zhang Zechen, Zheng Haitao, Tang Ling, Wang Jinnan, Shu Yinbiao

Journal Article

Employing electricity-consumption monitoring systems and integrative time-series analysis models: A case

Seiya MAKI, Shuichi ASHINA, Minoru FUJII, Tsuyoshi FUJITA, Norio YABE, Kenji UCHIDA, Gito GINTING, Rizaldi BOER, Remi CHANDRAN

Journal Article

Policy entry points for facilitating a transition towards a low-carbon electricity future

Journal Article

Construction of Near-Zero-Carbon Manufacturing System under the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism

Cheng Runting , Zhang Yongjun , Li Licheng , Ding Maosheng , Lin Jingchun , Zhang Chunfeng , Han Yongxia

Journal Article

Spatiotemporal distribution, environmental risk and carbon emission reduction potential of livestock

Journal Article

Modeling Control Research of the High Energy Consumption Enterprises for Saveing Energy

Zhang Shaojun,Ye Anli,Wang Jingxing

Journal Article

Cutting Down Oil Consumption and Reducing Emission for the Healthy Development of China's Auto Industry

Cao Xianghong

Journal Article

How to auction carbon emission allowances?

Journal Article

Low-carbon collaborative dual-layer optimization for energy station considering joint electricity and

Journal Article